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                                                                          Welcome to Berry Sweet Acres!

                                                             Our  2025 Strawberry U-pick is now open! 
                                          Closed Monday and Tuesday for field maintenance! 

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Thank you for your interest in Berry Sweet Acres in Plant City, Florida! Our family is so excited to offer u-
pick services to local residents and their families.
We are a family-owned business with local ties and decades of experience in strawberry growing. Matt
is a fourth-generation strawberry farmer from Dover. He also operates his family’s farm at Parkesdale
Farms and Parkesdale Packing and Cooling in Dover. Kandice is a Plant City native and manages the
Berry Sweet Acres office in addition to being a Broker Associate with Coldwell Banker Realty.
Our two children, Sara and Shanna, cheerfully join in to help with our expanding u-pick farm.
Sara is active in Future Farmers of America (FFA) at school and has plans to open her own online
boutique soon. Shanna is still a baby but we see big things in her immediate future – walking, talking,
and feeding herself delicious strawberries are just the start.
As you can see, hard work and entrepreneurship are part of our family’s DNA!
When you visit Berry Sweet Acres you’ll be delighted by our seasonal items along with our u-pick
strawberry crop and various flower options.

We also have a brand new barn, that we have deemed our "Barntique", where we offer additional items to our customers. We plan to continue to grow and experiment with exciting new ideas for our customers in the coming years.
Why did we start our u-pick strawberry farm? Quite simply, our love of farming, family, and community.
As our family works together on the farm, we love seeing other families come and enjoy it as much as
we do. We enjoy seeing the people we know in our community come pick their strawberries and other
seasonal items, and we especially love making new friends at the u-pick.
Come visit us and say hello! We can’t wait to see you!



Strawberries! U-Pick beginning December!

Sunflower Portrait


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